Coming Up

This year I will be working on various projects as well ad facilitating and creating. To be doing what I love is a gift and is with great joy I share with you my upcoming moves. Hope to cross paths with you sometime this year on stage or on the dance floor holding space for you to explore as a professional or lover for movement.


6 January- MOVE.ME | the art of movement & presence | @Quinta da Calma | Algarve
27th January- Trance Dance Journey | Lisbon @jazzydancestudios
5-9- Rehearsals with Flavio Rodrigues new performance
15-28 February | Rehearsals for Hamlet L´Ange du Bizarre | Útero Associação Cultural
29,1,2,3 March-  Hamlet L´Ange du Bizarre | Útero @ Fitei, Porto
11-15 March- Rehearsal with Flavio Rodrigues - Premier 16th of March @ Aveiro
4 April- 17th May-1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz
18 & 19 May- Premier @ Fitei, Porto
30 May- 2 June- 1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @ Teatro São Luís, Lisboa
7-10 June-  1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @ Teatro o Bando
21 June- MOVE.ME | the art of movement & presence @kyndspace Lisboa
7 July- 1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @Festival de Almada6 January- MOVE.ME | the art of movement & presence | @Quinta da Calma | Algarve27th January- Trance Dance Journey | Lisbon @jazzydancestudios23 & 30 January- Teaching @ Estudios Victor Cordon5-9- Rehearsals with Flavio Rodrigues new performance 15 - 28 February | Rehearsals for Hamlet L´Ange du Bizarre | Útero Associação Cultural

6 January- MOVE.ME | the art of movement & presence | @Quinta da Calma | Algarve

27th January- Trance Dance Journey | Lisbon @jazzydancestudios

5-9- Rehearsals with Flavio Rodrigues new performance

15-28 February | Rehearsals for Hamlet L´Ange du Bizarre | Útero Associação Cultural

29,1,2,3 March-  Hamlet L´Ange du Bizarre | Útero @ Fitei, Porto

11-15 March- Rehearsal with Flavio Rodrigues - Premier 16th of March @ Aveiro

23 March- Dentro @Teatro Aveirense

4 April- 17th May- 1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz 18 & 19 May- Premier @ Fitei, Coliseu, Porto

25 May- MOVE.ME | the art of movement & presence @kyndspace Lisboa - 2-7 pm + Group              Dinner

30 May- 2 June- 1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @ Teatro São Luís, Lisboa

7-10 June-  1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @ Teatro o Bando

7 July- 1001 Noites no Bando com Companhia Olga Roriz @Festival de Almada

Dates to be Announced - Trance Dance Journey

September - Research for new creation ATA by Maria Fonseca

November- beginning of ATA rehearsals

19,20,21 & 22- December- Hamlet Lánge du bizarre Teatro S. Luis, Lisboa

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